What the Heck is Coaching Anyways?

Keltie coaching a client online

Coaching defined — plus, how clarity coaching can help you.

When I tell people I'm a Clarity Coach, I get a lot of questions:

◇ What is coaching?

◇ What makes a good coach?

◇ Are clarity coaches and life coaches the same?

◇ Does this mean you can tell me what I should do with my life?

◇ Can you help me get career/business/relationship/life clarity?

◇ How exactly does clarity coaching work?

◇ What sort of framework or coaching philosophy do you follow?

Today I’m sharing the answers to these questions and more, but first — what is the definition of coaching, broadly speaking?



Coaching, defined

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as:

“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.”

Sounds intriguing, right?

Traditionally speaking, coaching follows the philosophy that unlocking a person’s potential is possible because each person has the resources, knowledge, and answers to challenges within them — coaches are simply there to help them unearth these things.

John Whitmore, a pioneer of the executive coaching industry, said, Coaching is unlocking people's potential to maximize their own performance. It is more often helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

What does coaching mean to me?

What is coaching in simple language? While there are many definitions out there, I think of coaching as a mirror, where another person’s observations, questions, and support allow you to see things about yourself and your life that were previously unclear or invisible.

In other words . . .

A coach is like that helpful friend who pulls you aside before a big meeting while holding up their compact mirror, so you can see that you’ve got a gob of spinach in your teeth.

Except instead of today’s lunch, coaching — and clarity coaching, in particular — can help you uncover what you truly want. It focuses on helping you identify your strengths and discover the actions that will cultivate the future you desire.

Coaching is a collaborative process

Coaching requires a mutual effort

As it happens, I’m not a coaching “purist” in the approach I take with each client. Like traditional coaching, asking powerful questions plays a large role in clarity coaching. After all, my clients are undoubtedly bright, capable, and the ultimate source of knowledge when it comes to the choices and solutions that are best for them. But there are also times when I will jump in for mutual collaboration.

I don’t believe that my clients should have to work everything out alone. There’s a reason they’ve hired a coach, right? I’m very forthcoming in sharing my own experiences and knowledge, and how that might translate to growth, development, and success in my client’s personal situation. I see coaching as a collaborative process.

Gain a mental sparring partner

As a killer brainstormer and creative ideas generator, you can also think of me as a kind of mental sparring partner who will help you sort through your mental clutter and start making sense of things. In other words, my coaching style extends far beyond asking questions like, “But what do you think?” — while watching you squirm.

Now that you’ve got the lay of the land when it comes to the concept of coaching and coaches, what exactly does my area of specialization, “clarity coaching,” entail?



Clarity coaching, defined

In the most simple terms, clarity coaching helps you get clarity on matters. And when I say clarity, I mean:

◇ Knowing what you want 

◇ Knowing the why behind the what (i.e. what are the drivers and motivations behind your choices?)

◇ Having a sense of direction — that is, where are you headed, and what path will you take to get there?

◇ Making sense of mental clutter. You know, the muddled confusion you experience when you feel stuck, indecisive, and have way too many ideas or possibilities in your brain.

But getting clarity is just half the battle.


Unlocking a person's potential requires clarity, then action

The fact is, if you want to realize your visions and desires, you’ve also got to ACT on them. Otherwise, the “what” that you desire will always remain a figment of your imagination. Plus, taking action is a critical part of getting clarity on what you want. As I always say: you can’t think your way to clarity.

So in the most simple terms, clarity coaching helps you get clarity and take action.

My approach to clarity coaching is 100% original. While there are particular brands of clarity coaching that a person can study, practice, and even earn certification in — the coaching approach and philosophy I follow is unique. It's built on past experiences where I found clarity and direction on my own path (like when I decided to close my former jewelry business, and had to answer the question, “What’s next?”) — and helped countless others to do the same.

Why is clarity important?

Why do you care about getting clarity in the first place? Only so you can create exactly the kind of business and life you desire (no biggie!). To create a future that makes you think, “Damn! I didn’t know life could be this sweet!” while pondering the fact you’ve realized the kinds of things (abundant wealth, freedom, fun — whatever YOU want) that you used to think were only available to other people.



FAQs about clarity coaching

Now that you’ve got the basic know-how on what coaching and clarity coaching is, here are the A’s to some of the most common Q’s I get on the topic of clarity coaching.

Is a clarity coach the same as a life coach?

The short answer is no because my coaching can't exactly be categorized. That is, I’m not exactly a life coach, business coach, or career coach. Rather, I can help you explore any and all areas of life where you are seeking to achieve clarity and find direction. 

The main problem I see with many other kinds of coaching is that it approaches the area where you’re seeking support in a bubble. 

For example, a business coach might be able to help you optimize the heck out of your dog training business. However, what if the choices you make (let’s say, to create low-cost info products and an exclusively passive income stream) are totally at odds with the bigger picture? What if you absolutely love serving clients 1-on-1 but have no interest in spending your days behind your computer screen?

If you don’t start with establishing clarity and awareness, it’s all too easy to build a life that “works” — but that doesn’t work for you.

Life coaching may help you take a broad look at your life as a whole but where my model differs is that I help clients approach their challenges through the lens of clarity. I believe true fulfillment and alignment begin with knowing what you truly desire.

Another one of the differences between me and a life coach is that I work exclusively with small business owners, leaders, and high-performing professionals. As a two-time business owner and former sales and marketing executive, I intimately get what both worlds entail, and can offer savvy guidance on getting clarity and taking action where it concerns your professional struggles.

Clarity coaching client

Does being a clarity coach mean you can tell me what I should do with my life?

Er, no — I’m afraid I don't have the answers for you (it’s for the best, promise!). 

While I’m always happy to share my own experiences and to help you develop ideas and possibilities, coaching is not synonymous with advice-giving.

I can't tell you what job you should take at which organization, the perfect client to pursue, or even the next right step. And I'm not here to do the work for you.

Rather, the process that I use while we work together is designed to elicit clarity and decisiveness about what direction to take from within you. Because you possess the ultimate knowledge on what’s best for you, and you’re the one who will take the steps in order to uncover clarity.

It’s your life, your desires, your future. Be grateful and excited — this is in your hands!

Can you help me get clarity with my career, business, relationship, or life?

I’d love to! While most of my clients come to me struggling with a lack of clarity on the professional front, the process I use to help you uncover clarity can be used to navigate your way through virtually anything. 

In fact, I promise that regardless of where in your life you’re feeling stuck, the work we do together will bring more clarity and provide tools and skills for achieving goals in all areas of your life — today, and in the future.

How exactly does clarity coaching work?

How does coaching work, exactly? Working with me constitutes a heavy-duty massage for the brain (think deep tissue). 

  1. You'll come to our sessions with a challenge or question-mark area of your business or life that you're currently working through. 

  2. The two of us will meet in a private video call (I work with people the world over) and you'll lay it all out on the line. Then, we get to work.

  3. I'll pose powerful questions.

  4. You'll dig deep for the answers.

  5. Our time together will shed light on new perspectives, ideas, and action steps.

  6. We'll work to uncover renewed inspiration, clarity, and purpose.

You can find the full details on the exact format of my offerings, and how they work, here.



Is clarity coaching right for you? 

Let me ask you this:

Are you currently trying to make a decision and feeling completely stuck?

◇ Is there a problem in your business or personal life that you've been trying to solve, but can't seem to find the answer to?

◇ Is there a BIG thing that you've been yearning for (the relationship, a career change, an overseas move, a higher level of performance...) and yet you can't seem to make it happen?

◇ Do you feel lost and want to find more focus?

◇ Do you get excited by the thought of having your own uplifting, energetic and insightful guide to help you design a life that is your own perfect fit?

I've coached small business owners who are working through challenges within their companies. People who are looking to make the jump from side hustle to full-time self-employment. Start-up founders wanting fresh eyes and insights into the brands and communities they are building. And countless others who are simply asking, What do I want and what’s next? 

If you're seeking greater personal or professional focus, performance, momentum, and purpose, book a complimentary 30-minute clarity call here.

Clarity awaits.

Keltie Maguire